Sunday, February 25, 2007

Luigi Russolo - Die Kunst der Geraeusche

This is a (bootleg?) collection of more or less all of Russolo's still surving works, and they're all original recordings as well (since none of his machines survive...). Barely over 20 minutes, but this is a nice little collection of arguably the very first experimental musician ever (sans maybe Erik Satie or the Second Viennese School)...So you don't have to buy 20 Dada/Futurist compilations!



  1. Woah, thank you!
    I looked everywhere for this gem.

  2. I don't think they're original 1910s recordings though, just recreated instruments used in new recordings. There's a 1920s Antonio Russolo recording though on one of the Futurist compilations.

  3. Well thank you really much!

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