Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) + Willliam Bennett - Examples of Cannibalism CS, 1982

tape 1982 Come Organization wdc883014 UK
Notes: The cassette sounds like a MB piece, over which William Bennett (Whitehouse) tells a story of a cannibalistic cult in Britain. The CDR was supposed to come out in an edition of 100 in RE's spoken word series, but Bennett threatened them with legal action if they proceeded. A few copies were shipped to people who had pre-ordered, though.

Any help with the cover or other info?


More M.B./Sacher-Pelz tapes to come!


  1. Yeah, track 2 seems cut off at the end. It shouldn't only be 8 minutes long, you wouldn't think. That's an awfully short album side!

  2. In regards to the Tolerance album - I did think the album was a bit short/abrupt the first time I heard it as well...I seem to remember reading something about the album being on the short side, so I didn't think anything of it at first, but on the other hand, I did not rip it myself so it could have very well been ripped without a track or two at the end (like the Normal Brain album). I probably should have made a note of it in my original post but I didn't really think to. Since it's so rare, though, I'm glad to have found at least the first 30 minutes of it :) however, it would be nice to hear the rest (if there is more to it), right? Anyone have this LP or could provide more info (or even tracks)? Sorry for the confusion, at least.

    Seesselberg - The info is much appreciated!
